Tuesday, January 26, 2016


...I'd like to formally welcome you to my life.

This is the year of sneakers, jeans, and tees. This is the year to be most casual and feel most comfortable. This is my laziness talking.. hey ya'll! If being lazy has become a fashion trend, then I really do believe this life was meant for me. Then again, let's just throw out the word lazy altogether. Now that I think about it, there is nothing lazy about getting out of bed and putting on clothes. That, my friends, is a whole lot of effort. I guess laid back brands, such as Adidas, just makes the process easier for you. A++ in my book.

P.S. The getting dressed part may be simple but what about the spelling?! Am I the only one who has written "Addidas" or "Adiddas" several times until it was brought to my attention that I may just be obsessed with double d's? Sigh. I guess that's why I never participated in a spelling bee.

Top: Adidas | Jeans: Versace | Belt: Charlotte Russe | Shoes: Adidas