Wednesday, January 13, 2016



So, here's why:
I was given this jacket when I was much much younger. The type of age where vintage pieces aren't even considered to be an ounce of cool. Fast forward to now, where I'd like to consider myself an adult (although adult-ing can suck sometimes & I still want chocolate for breakfast), and this bomber jacket from the 80's is a goldmine. It has so much value that I can actually understand and appreciate. This is not only because these jackets are a hot commodity in the fashion community right now, but more so because it's been passed down to me within the family. Might I add that it came from Germany... AKA a very close part of my culture. I think this is exactly what vintage pieces should be about. They should make you feel some type of way and even take you way back beyond your years. Now this, ladies and gents, is the power of clothing.

This jacket hits "clothes to homme" <3

Jacket: vintage | Jeans: Forever 21 | Boots; Zara