Monday, November 30, 2015

And So It Begins

...the most wonderful time of the year.

November 30th, 2015. It seems to be the time right in between freshly changed leaves and shameless Christmas sweaters. As the year nears an end, it is the perfect moment to sit back, take in the beauty of the world, and wear the chunkiest turtleneck sweater known to man. Warning: If you live in a hot climate, you are not obligated to wear pants.. If you choose to do so for the sake of others, go with a cute skirt.

P.S. I have already put up my Christmas tree, listened to numerous Christmas songs, and bought two of my favorite Christmas movies to watch over and over again. Some may call it crazy. Some will feel my passion as if it were their own. A message to both: LET THE HOLIDAYS BEGIN!!!!

Sweater: H&M | Skirt: H&M